DEEP DIVE - How to become a dangerously good writer in 10 min ✍️💲
how to write & earn/sell/raise millions
Hello everyone,
This is going to be a deep dive into the most important skill you will ever learn: writing.
Writing is the foundation for pretty much everything else you do in life.
Want a new job? Writer a killer email to the CEO.
Want to update your investors? Write a clear memo.
Want to network with cool people? Write emails/DMs they’ll actually open.
Want to sell stuff? Write great copy.
Want great online content? Write great scripts.
Want to communicate with your colleagues? Great writing beats meetings and phone calls any day of the week.
Writing is the foundation for how you communicate. How you write is how you think.
In fact, writing is nature’s way of showing you how sloppy your thinking is.
That’s a Jeff Bezos quote, by the way.
The same Jeff Bezos that has outlawed PowerPoint presentations at Amazon in favor of written memos.
Writing is king. But the problem is that most of us have never learned to write.
In school, they teach you to:
Study Shakespeare
Write long paragraphs with compli…