Happy Friday everyone!
Welcome to another edition of Moonshot Alerts.
These Alerts are dedicated to finding 10X opportunities in investing, business, or lifestyle design.
(If you’re new, you can read the full archive of the previous Moonshot Alerts here)
Today, I’ll show you how to invest in the future.
The current decade is a pivotal moment of technological adoption - only accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
For example, just this week, El Salvador voted to accept bitcoin as legal money. Shortly afterward, lawmakers in Argentina, Panama, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico started putting forward similar proposals.
This is just the beginning of a much larger trend toward a new financial system. But innovation spans much more than just crypto.
As investors and entrepreneurs, it’s our job to position ourselves to stay ahead of the curve and capture part of the value created as society undergoes its most profound transformation ever - across virtually every area of our lives.