Happy Friday everyone!
Here’s a breakdown of my favorite insights, tools & strategies for the week.
Book I just bought: Happy Sexy Millionaire
Yes, that’s what we’re going for.
Over the last few years, I’ve had the blessing to travel the world, work from anywhere, build an audience I’m proud of, and access most things I wanted. But one of my biggest struggles has been extending my inner drive beyond money & recognition.
It’s why I attended my first Tony Robbins seminar 3 years ago.
To be fair, I’m still figuring out the answer. I’ve taken pleasure in doing hard things (silent meditation retreats, masochistic physical challenges), daily mindset conditioning, giving, and generally trying to grow as an individual.
If you’re in the same boat, Happy Sexy Millionaire comes highly recommend by rich people I know who are genuinely happy.
Business idea I came across: newsletters for local audiences.
Most newsletters are written for a wide, global audience. But I think there’s huge potential in building highly targeted, local newsletters for local audiences.
If you’re interested in building one, reply to this email, let me know where you live, and let’s chat.
Best Tweet I came across:
Nuggets on building a billion-dollar business from the founder of Twitch:
Trend that’s worth paying attention to:
This week, I bought my first-ever NFT for 2.5 ETH ($9,885). Here it is:
Beautiful isn’t it. You can even right-click and “save as” to get the exact one I have.
I bought it because the best way to really understand anything is to actually do it.
When you have skin in the game, you start paying attention to what really matters.
NFTs are going to be much bigger than most of us think. They are part of the transition from Web2 to Web3 - a total reinvention of the way we work, earn, display status, and own assets in the digital economy.
Yesterday, 107 NFTs of monkeys looking bored sold for $24 million at a Sotheby’s auction.
Luckily, investors like you and I can participate quite easily. It’s new but not difficult.
I’ll be making a full-deep dive on how to buy your first NFT from scratch soon - so stay tuned.
In the meantime, grab some popcorn and listen to this while you read this article right here.
To be fair, it’s likely my NFT will go to 0.
But what I learned in the process is a long-term investment that will have a 1,000-fold return over the next decade.
And there’s a small chance my NFT will increase in value - by orders of magnitude.
Recent NFTs have gone from $5K to $1.3million in 19 days (like this one) and some are worth millions in a matter of months.
The world is changing, and as investors, we need to look forward and embrace change.
Over the next few weeks and months, I will keep you updated on the best projects, investments, and overall cool things you need to know happening in the space.
I’ll show you how you can participate and - at your own peril - make some $$.
Stay tuned, and much love.